What we Work On

Completed Projects (& Lessons)

Hour of Arduino (Intro to Arduino)


In this lesson, students will take a look at the credit-card sized computer: the Arduino. At the end of the lesson, students will become familiar with the Arduino IDE, how the Arduino interfaces with various components through the digital and analog pins, and how the Arduino can be used for various applications.

The lesson is currently available through the Port.

Hour of Code (Intro to Computer Science)


In this lesson, students will learn the basics of computer science, from learning how code is executed (through the Blocky Language) to basic scripts within the coding language, Python. This lesson will cover all the foundational knowledge needed for later courses.

The lesson is currently available through the Port.

Work-In-Progress Projects (& Lessons)

Advanced Arduino


In this lesson, students will learn new, more advanced Arduino concepts, while revisiting the concepts from the Hour of Arduino (Intro to Arduino) lesson at a much deeper level.

This lesson will be available in the Port by October 15th.